Become an Associate Member

Associate Membership

Associate membership is geared toward emerging artists who have not undergone adjudication for Elected membership.  We also welcome art supporters and aficionados to join.  Membership is open to Canadian citizens or Canadian residents.

Associate membership dues are $55 annually. Our membership year runs from May 1 to April 30. 

If you have any questions about becoming an associate member, please contact

Benefits of Membership

Can join at any time throughout the year.

Non adjudicated admission into the society with lower membership dues.

The SCA is a national organization with membership across Canada.

Access to a network of professional and semi-professional artists working in different mediums and styles. 

Access to a closed Facebook community to interact with other members and display your work.

Participation in respected member-only gallery and online exhibitions.

Access to Society awards in open and all members only exhibitions

Member promotion through our website member directory.

Ability to help steer the path of the SCA through volunteerism and standing for election to the SCA Board of Directors.

Access to our SCAnews newsletter, which is published 3 times a year.

Access to professional development resources, including electronic publications.

Invitations to Society exhibitions and other Society events.

Ready to Join?

Joining the Society of Canadian Artists is as simple as completing the form below and paying your membership dues through PayPal.

If someone is paying on your behalf, please identify who the payment is for, as we do not have any way of correlating a payment through PayPal to a member unless it is specified.  This will enable us to correctly input the proper member information on our website.

To facilitate payment via cheque, kindly follow these steps:

1. Print the form provided below.
2. Carefully fill out the required fields on the form.
3. Prepare your payment in the form of a cheque.
4. Mail both the completed form and the cheque to the address mentioned below:

Attention: SCA Book Keeper

26 Livingston Drive,

Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 0J3

Please ensure that all information on the form is legible and accurate. Once we receive your mailed payment, our membership team will promptly process your transaction.


Associate Member Registration



The Society of Canadian Artists rely on member volunteers to provide services and opportunities to all our members. While not a requirement of membership, your willingness to volunteer in the future in one of the following roles would be greatly appreciated.

Volunteer Choices


Language Preference(Required)
Are you a Canadian Citizen(Required)

The Society of Canadian Artists is a Registered Charity. You will be issued a taxable donation receipt for the amount of your donation.
Payment Method(Required)