Call For Artists
SCA 2025 Open International Online
Juried Exhibition
The SCA is accepting entries for its prestigious SCA 2025 Open International Online Juried Exhibition from January 31 to February 28, 2025 at 11:59 pm ET.
The Exhibition will run from April 1 – June 15, 2025.
This will be an especially exciting show as the SCA will be awarding at least $17,000 in prizes.
Entry Fees:
Elected Members: 3 artworks $50
Associate Members: 3 artworks $60
Non-SCA Members: 3 artworks $80
A maximum of two pieces will be accepted.
This year, the SCA is introducing two exciting categories for our exhibition: Representational and Contemporary. These categories reflect our growth and commitment to celebrating a wide array of styles, genres and mediums of artistic expression.
Representational welcomes works that explore the world around us, whether through detailed portrayals or personal interpretations of familiar scenes. This category embraces a broad range of approaches, allowing artists to connect with the viewer in meaningful ways.
Contemporary invites artists to explore fresh perspectives, new ideas, and unique ways of expressing themselves. It’s a space where diverse approaches are encouraged, from abstract to conceptual works.
With two separate five-person juries for each category, made up of professionals who understand the essence of both approaches, artists will have the opportunity to be celebrated for their individuality. Each category also has its own prize pool, offering even more chances for recognition.

Whether you create in a more traditional style or push the boundaries of artistic expression, this is your chance to be part of an exhibition that truly values both traditional and cutting-edge artistic practices. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain recognition and connect with an engaged, global audience!
Call Information
Exhibition: Online on the SCA website
Exhibition Dates: April 1 – June 15, 2025
Submission Deadline: February 28, 2025
Results Notification by Email: TBA
Maximum number of entries: 3
Entry Fees:
Elected Members: 3 artworks $50
Associate Members: 3 artworks $60
Non-SCA Members: 3 artworks $80
A maximum of two pieces will be accepted.
1st Award of Excellence ($2,500)
2nd Award of Excellence ($1,500)
Creative Innovation Award ($1,000)
Artistic Expression Award ($1,000)
Technical Excellence Award ($1,000)
Honourable Mention Award ($750)
Honourable Mention Award ($750)
1st Award of Excellence ($2,500)
2nd Award of Excellence ($1,500)
Creative Innovation Award ($1,000)
Artistic Expression Award ($1,000)
Technical Excellence Award ($1,000)
Honourable Mention Award ($750)
Honourable Mention Award ($750)
Our Jurors
Representational Jurors
Julie Desmarais, SCA
Fernando Freitas
Lori Ryerson, SCA
Mike Svob
Golnaz Zand, SCA
Contemporary Jurors
Jill Hobson, SCA
Kyle Matuzewiski, Co-Director, Bau-Xi Gallery
Brooke Perrin, Gallerist, Galerie de Bellefeuille
Barry Rafuse, SCA
Doreen Renner, SCA
Eligibility, Terms & Conditions of Entry
By submitting your entry, you are agreeing to the following:
1. The Exhibition is open to all members and non-members of the SCA.
2. All submissions must be original artwork and must not be copies or derivatives of someone else’s: paintings, photographs (copyrighted or not), or other artistic work. The artwork must be solely created by the artist without guidance from an instructor(s).
3. The media must be clearly identified and may include techniques such as: painting, drawing, pastel, printmaking, sculpture, fibre art, photography, mixed media, and digital art. Artwork generated using an artificial intelligence (AI) platform is NOT permitted.
4. Art must have been completed within 3 years of the entry deadline and must not have been previously exhibited in an SCA exhibition. Submissions with variations from previously accepted work may be deemed to be a resubmittal, and therefore ineligible.
5. There are no size restrictions for artwork for this online Exhibition.
6. Artists may submit up to 3 views of an individual artwork. You may show multiple views of works in 3D format, relief works, rich texture and wrapped canvases, and/or details of works 2D or 3D.
7. Any infractions of the aforementioned entry conditions may result in serious consequences; including, but not limited to: the removal of the artwork from the exhibition, the forfeiting of award prizes, a prohibition from entry to future SCA exhibitions, and the artist expulsion from the SCA.
8. After the entry is submitted, there will be no changes or substitutes allowed.
9. The artist by submission grants the SCA the right to utilize images of the accepted work for the Exhibition’s publicity and website purposes.
10. As part of our due diligence process and to ensure fairness and transparency in awarding our top prizes, we may request the following documentation to verify compliance with our entry terms:
a. Photos of Your Artwork in Progress: Images showing the development stages of your artwork.
b. Source Material: This may include original sketches, reference photographs, or other materials demonstrating that the work is your own creation and not derivative of other copyrighted works.
c. Additional Information (if applicable): Any supplementary details or materials that support the originality of your artwork.
11. For this Exhibition, artists will need to select one of the the two juror pools for all of their submissions. For example, an artist wishing to submit three pieces will need to enter all their pieces into either the Representational or Contemporary jury pools, and cannot enter into both pools.
*Note: Artwork does not have to be for sale. Please write: NFS for the price. Other exhibitions have different requirements.
Image Specifications
Please ensure the images meet the following specifications.
- Must be in jpg format only (jpg or jpeg)
- Only the image of your artwork should show (no frames or extraneous backgrounds)
- Images must not be smaller than 800px on its shortest side *
- Image files cannot exceed 2.0 MB *
Image files are to be named using the following convention:
FirstName LastName, Title, Medium, Size**.jpg (ie: Jane Doe, My Painting Title, Acrylic, 18×24.jpg)
*Images that do not meet these specifications will fail to upload. Please make sure your files are sized properly before you begin the submission process.
**Size to be specified in INCHES in HxWxD with D-Depth only required for 3-D work.
how to enter
The SCA will be using EntryThingy as its online submission provider for this exhibition.
You will need to either have an existing EntryThingy account, or create a new one, in order to submit to this exhibition. The following button will take you to our submission page where you can find How to guides to help you create your EntryThingy account and submit your entries. If you have any questions, please contact the open exhibition coordinator, at
Call For Entries Downloadable PDF:
2025 Open International Online Exhibition – ENG
Exposition Internationale en Ligne Jurée SCA 2025
Jurying Rubric
Jury Rubric SCA Exhibitions (February 2024)
Cadre de Sélection des Œuvres pour les Expositions de la SCA
Important Notice: We are currently experiencing issues with EntryThingy where submissions that have been paid for are incorrectly marked as “Not Submitted”.
This is a superficial error only and will not affect your entry. If you have paid and received a PayPal receipt, please rest assured that your entry has been submitted and will be manually marked so by our team of volunteers.