Volunteering with the SCA provides the opportunity to network with fellow dedicated SCA member artists with similar background and interests. Join a great team!!
How can you be involved?
Volunteering on SCA committees and assisting with local SCA events and exhibitions, providing workshops and demos.
Submitting articles to the SCA newsletter, and participating in our group FaceBook page.
Attending invited workshops and annual social activities (Winter Holiday party, Annual General Meeting)
Serving on the SCA management team. Call for nominations for SCA Board of Directors positions are being accepted until April 30, 2023. If you are interested in serving on the management team please contact Manny Schulz at [email protected]
what are the managment roles
The following are the various roles it takes to run the Society of Canadian Artists. We are always looking for volunteers to provide new ideas and vision.
President – Director & Officer
Vice President – Director, & Officer
Treasurer – Director & Officer
Secretary – Director & Officer
Past President – ex-officio Officer
Membership Chair – Director
New Member Liaison – Director
Exhibitions Chair – Director
Publicity Chair – Director
Website Chair – Director
Communications Chair – Director
Newsletter Chair – Director *
Fundraising & Sponsorship Chair – Director *
Nominations Chair
Social Media Chair
Elected Membership Jury Chair
Atlantic Representative
Ontario Representative
Quebec Representative
Western Representative
Website Assistance
Publicity Assistance
Office & Secretarial Support/
Grant Writing
Exhibitions Intake/Set-up and Take-down Support
* May not always be filled as a Director role.
How much time do you have to Commit?
Being a national organization means we have to be innovative about how and when the Management team meets. Currently we hold meetings via online conferencing applications every other month. We also communicate when needed via email.
Each role has different time commitments attached to it. Some are more involved than others and some are only required at certain times of the year.
Are there any openings?
We are looking to fill the following positions
Exhibition Submissions Coordinator
Create the Call for Entry for show exhibitions and call for Elected Members
2. Set up Entry Thingy which is our online jurying system
3. Coordinate with jurours providing tool and requirements for jurying process
4. Communicate jury results and artist responsibilities in Entry Thingy
5. Provide website chair with exhibition information and images
6. Coordinate with Exhibition Director and Website Director
Website Assistant
Supporting the Website Director with adminstrative duties which include:
Updating member information on the website. Providing passwords, and helping members access their profiles.
Help new and existing elected members set and update their website profiles, sometimes editing their images
Help update Obituaries, special events, promotions
Answers members’ inquiries as they arise
Who do you Contact?
If you are interested in learning more about these roles or standing for nomination please contact any of the following – we’ll be happy to answer your questions!