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The most obvious attribute of Danielle's watercolours is the use of texture as a means of expression.
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The most obvious attribute of Danielle's watercolours is the use of texture as a means of expression.

Danielle Beaulieu finds inspiration for her watercolours in quiet corners which for a few brief moments have taken on a deeper significance to her.

Antiques include old crystal and silver objects, hold mysterious knowledge waiting patiently to be revealed through her paintings. These common items are often overlooked by many people.  She enjoys giving renewed life to antiques. While painting these subjects, she can imagine the stories of the people who used the antiques which are often common day to day objects.

Due to the nostalgic nature of her subjects, her art has a strong emotional content and is based on the perception, memories and experiences of the artist.  She makes every effort to create her paintings based on these three concepts, but most especially, her art must be timeless.

The most obvious attribute of her work is the use of texture as a means of expression. This serves to project the emotional content in her works. One of the major objectives in creating her paintings is her desire to fulfill an emotional response, rather than focusing on the subject matter.